
1300 074 210


MON-FRI - 9am - 5.30pm

Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Agreement to Our Terms and Conditions

Welcome to CheckMySuper! We’re delighted to have you here. By using the CheckMySuper Website and any associated booking pages, forms or advertisements including accessing or browsing the Website or uploading any material or personal data to the Website or any associated forms or booking pages, it is deemed to be your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. We encourage you to read them carefully. If you disagree with any of these terms, please refrain from using our Website.

Managing Your Marketing Preferences

Your privacy is important to us. You have the freedom to choose whether you’d like to receive direct marketing communications from us. If you ever decide to opt out, simply send an email to [email protected] with “Unsubscribe” in the subject line. You can also use the “Unsubscribe” link in our digital communications or send us a written request to Check My Super Pty Ltd, 3 Glenelg Ave, Mermaid Beach, Qld, 4218.

Respecting Our Content

We have put a lot of effort into creating our Website, and it’s protected by copyright laws. Please don’t download, copy, or use any of our content without first obtaining our written permission.

Information and Accountability

We strive to provide accurate and helpful information on our Website, but sometimes errors or omissions may occur. Please understand that the content on our Website is intended for general informational purposes. We cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness, and we are not responsible for any decisions you make based on this information.

Financial Advice

While we provide general information about superannuation on our Website, please note that we collect information to connect you with third-party service providers. Before engaging with a service provider, it is your responsibility to review their disclosure documents, such as the Financial Services Guide. Any services you receive are from the third-party, not us. CheckMySuper does not provide financial advice and is not responsible for third-party services. We do not endorse nor guarantee the quality or suitability of any financial product or advice you may receive.

Invitation to Contact

Submitting your information through any of our available fields constitutes opt-in consent for us to contact you and authorises us to pass your details onto a third-party (who we choose to appoint and can change at any time) to contact you via phone, SMS, MMS, email, or any other electronic or direct methods. This contact will be of a commercial nature and serves to provide you with a superannuation review or comparison of your superannuation fund, provide you with services, news, information, marketing material, or advice (according to their relevant licensing abilities or restrictions) for an infinite time period or until you “Unsubscribe”.


If your phone number is on the Do Not Call Register (DNCR), you confirm and consent that the communication from Check My Super Pty Ltd or any of its appointed partners is legal and solicited. Opt-in consent via Check My Super Pty Ltd or our online advertisements or associated Webpages supersedes DNCR registration for the purposes of communication regarding your request for information or services via Check My Super Pty Ltd. This may be done via a phone call, email, SMS, MMS or other direct or indirect communication.

No Responsibility for Third-Party Services

You authorise and consent to us and a third-party of our choice to contact you for marketing promotions, which include telephone, SMS, MMS, emails, or direct mails or any other format of marketing. This consent is valid perpetually and unrestricted or until you choose to opt-out. You can opt-out of these communications by contacting us as detailed in our Privacy Policy.

Not an Offer or Financial Advice

Our Website exists to inform and guide you, but it is not an offer to sell goods or services, and it is not financial advice. We do not provide financial product advice, nor do we endorse financial products.

Website Updates

Please be advised that Check My Super Pty Ltd reserves the discretionary right to periodically enhance or modify the Website. Such enhancements may encompass bolstering security measures, updating the information featured on the Website, or other alterations decided upon by Check My Super Pty Ltd.

Protecting Your Devices

Please ensure the safety of your electronic devices while using our Website. We are not responsible for any damage or losses incurred due to your use of our Website.


We are committed to protecting your privacy and handling your personal information securely, in line with privacy laws. To enjoy our Website fully, you may need to provide certain personal information.

Your Responsibility

When using our Website, you are responsible for your actions. Any consequences resulting from the use of information or content on our Website, is your responsibility. If any claims or actions arise from your use of our Website, you agree to indemnify us.


Whilst Check My Super Pty Ltd agrees to ensure that all personal information is kept secure, you agree that Check My Super Pty Ltd may provide your Personal Information to other companies for the purpose of providing you with a quote or information about a product or service. You acknowledge that Check My Super Pty Ltd will receive remuneration for providing your Personal Information to third-parties.


If any part of these Terms and Conditions is held to be illegal or unenforceable, you authorise Check My Super Pty Ltd to amend or sever that part of the Terms and Conditions to make that part legal and enforceable or to ensure that the remaining parts of the Terms and Conditions remain in full force and effect.


You acknowledge that Check My Super Pty Ltd may vary these Terms and Conditions and you agree to be bound by that variation from the time when that variation is advised. You understand that it is your responsibility to regularly check these Terms and Conditions so that you are aware of any variations which apply. Your continued use of the Website constitutes your agreement to these Terms and Conditions and any variations to these Terms and Conditions.

Prohibited Activities

We want our Website to be a safe, helpful and friendly place for everyone. Please do not engage in any disruptive or harmful activities. Posting or transmitting unlawful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, or profane material on our Website is strictly prohibited.

Applicable Law

Our Website is intended for Australian residents, and the laws of Queensland, Australia, apply to these Terms and Conditions. If any legal matters arise, you agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Queensland courts concerning our Website and these Terms and Conditions.
Thank you for using CheckMySuper, and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.